Outhouse Buildings
An outhouse is a small structure that is intended to house a simple non-flushing toilet separate from a main building. Its primary function is to provide privacy and a place to deposit human feces: to put it nicely, #1 and #2.Though they may not be as popular as 50 years ago, they are still very popular in many back country settings for those folks looking to explore the beauty of these environments. Since many of our benches, picnic tables and waste receptacles also share these environments, a request came in from one of our customers to take the same attributes as our site furnishings that have made them successful (design, low maintenance, long lasting) and apply them to Outhouse Structures. Always up to the challenge, we did! And now, for over 10 years, our buildings have been recognized as a premium product in this sector. They have performed beyond our expectations and the positive comments from the folks that use them, to those that maintain them, reinforces that good decision we made years ago. Now that’s a load to be proud of!
The icing on the cake is the ease of shipping and assembly to these locations. They are shipped completely unassembled and each component can be carried in either manually, on horseback, or if the budget allows, by helicopter. At the location most of the buildings can be fully assembled by two people in under two hours.
We hope that sits well with you.